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Usage of Vardhamana Pippali Rasayana and its Benefits

Usage of Vardhamana Pippali Rasayana and its Benefits

This Rasayana is explained in the 3rd pada or Karaprachitiya Rasayana padam of the first chapter of Chikitsa Stana of Charaka Samhita. In this the Pippali i.e Piper longum or the long pepper is used in the vardhamana karma. Though Charaka in his Sootra Stana has specified not to use Pippali in excess, he has prescribed a large dose of pippali to be consumed in this context. Seeing the form of  prescription and the mode of administration the concept doesn’t look contradictory.

Mode of use: 

On the first day 10 pippali’s should be consumed. From there onwards the number of pippali’s should be increased by 10 every day(i.e 20 pippali’s on 2nd day, 30 on 3rd day, 40 on 4th day…and so on). This consumption of pippali in ascending order shall be followed for 10 days. On the 10th day 100 pippali’s shall be consumed. From 11th day onwards the tapering of number of pippali’s starts and the number of pippali’s shall be decreased in the same proportion as they were increased. This consumption of pippali in descending order shall be followed for the next 10 days. So within a span of 20 days a total of 1000 pippali would have been consumed.

Form of consumption:
  • The people having uttama bala(good physical and mental strength, tolerance, courage) should take pippali in the form of pishta or kalka(paste)
  • The people having madhyama bala(moderate physical and mental strength, tolerance, courage) should take pippali in the form of shruta or kashaya(decoction)
  • The people having hrisva bala(less physical and mental strength, tolerance, courage) should take pippali in the form of choorna(powder)

Variation of dose or number of pippali’s in relation to Bala:

  • The people having uttama bala should start with 10 pippali’s, increase 10 pippali’s everyday until 10th day and decrease the same number of pippali’s each day for the next 10 days and finish with the starting dose of 10 pippalis on the last day. Total number of pippali’s consumed within 20 days in this format is 1000.
  • The people having madhyama bala should start with 06 pippali’s, increase 06 pippali’s everyday until 10th day and decrease the same number of pippali’s each day for the next 10 days and finish with the starting dose of 06 pippali’s on the last day. Total number of pippali’s consumed within 20 days in this format is 600.
  • The people having hrisva bala should start with 03 pippali’s, increase 03 pippali’s everyday until 10th day and decrease the same number of pippali’s each day for the next 10 days and finish with the starting dose of 03 pippali’s on the last day. Total number of pippali’s consumed within 20 days in this format is 300.

Diet restrictions during Vardhamana karma:

When the consumed pippali’s are digested properly Shastika shali odana(rice prepared using shastika shali or the rice grown in 60 days) should be taken as diet with cow’s milk and ghee.

Benefits of Vardhamana Pippali Rasayana:
  1. Rasayana: Rejuvenates and strengthens the tissues, provides immunity
  2. Brimhana: Promotes bulk and induces enormous strength
  3. Swara bheda nashaka: Allievates hoarseness of voice and other vocal disorders and makes the voice strong, bold and resonant
  4. Ayu-Hitakari: Prolongs the life span and enables one to live a disease free life
  5. Pliha nashini: Cures hepatomegaly and spleenomegaly
  6. Udara vinashanam: Alleviates abdominal disorders, especially ascitis
  7. Vayaha Sthapanam: Delays ageing process, restores youth and energy
  8. Medhya: Tones the brain, improves intellect and memory


"If you have any doubts please write it as a comment below,I will reply you as soon as possible or you can email directly to pousepoulose@gmail.com with your entire disease details.Self-Treatment Is Dangerous And Don't Do Any Self-Treatment After Reading The Information That I Shared In This Page."

Thank You

Dr.Pouse Poulose MS(Ay)

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