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Snehapana and Swedana in Obesity or Sthoulya

Snehapana and Swedana in Obesity or Sthoulya


For snehapana&abhyanga following preparations can be used.

Tila taila,(Su.soo)

Sarshapa taila,(Bhai.rat)

Triphaladi taila,(Bha.pra,Cha.dat,Yog.rat)


As for shodhana sneha medicated ghrita or oils used does the srotomardavata,shitilata of leenadoshas;thus followed by swedana doshas comes to koshta.

By giving abhyabntara snehapana all the secretions will be increased.Bile will be secreted more for digestion of fat&more of H.D.L is formed.

As tilataila is medohara,lekhaneeya,srotosuddhikara.

Sesame oil significantly decrease lipid peroxidatoin &serum nitrate level.

It contain linoleic acid which produce strong plasma cholesterol lowering effects.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids reduces cholesterol level, thus tila taila helps in reducing  cholesterol level.

The action of sneha also depends on the drugs that which contains like triphala taila etc …………..


In Cha.soo.23/8 shloka it is told swedana as one of the chikitsa for sthoulya.

In Asht.Sa.Soo24/15 for sthoulya swedana is essential.

In Cha.Datt.specified that;

“……………mrudurvaatyayike gade”

That mrudu swedana can be performed.

Nadee sweda,Parisheka sveda,dravasveda,ushna jalasnana can be adviced.

Probable mode of action of svedana

During swedana process there will be incresed sympathetic activity which stimulates the process of lypolysis , which accelerates fat catabolism. It suggests that increase in agni during swedana reduces medodhatwagnimandya.
By means of swedana medavaha sroto sanga is removed there by succeeding dhatu formation will be normal.
Swedana process increases sweat production,there by excessive wastes are eliminated through the sweat,which corrects the swedavaha srotodushti.

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