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Virechanakarma and its probable mode of action in sthoulya or obesity

Virechanakarma and its probable mode of action in sthoulya or obesity


In Cha.soo.16th&23rd chapter clear indication of virechana in sthoulya.

In Bhai.Rat 39th chapter mentioned virechana is pathya for sthoulya rogee.

Some of virechana yogas like triphala,aragvadha,katukarohini(Cha.soo23) used.

Pippalyadi choorna(Cha.datt.virechanadhikara)

Probable mode of action of virechanakarma

Virechana is important among shodhana;because it not only act over pitta but also on kapha,vata &meda

Virechana removes avarana of vayu in koshta &corrects agni vaigunyata; there by stops the formation of ama& dushta anna rasa.

Due to the virechana drugs there will be increased bile secretion &increased peristaltic movements.In the virechana process during relaxation phase of peristalsis; sphincter of oddi being relaxed, as bile come to the G.I.T &expelled out of the body.

Thus this bile can be compared to pitta will be eliminated during virechana with other toxins.Hence virechana reduces pitta dushti & normalises agni.

During virechana process, increased stimulation & local nerve reflexes leads to increased mucous secretion,as it is clearly told in our classics as kaphantam virechanam.Thus by virechana kapha dosha will also eliminated.

As it is told in Asht.Hru.Soo.13th chapter mrudu virechana is one among the vatopakrama.
Thus virechana removes the avarana of vata there by passage of vata is rectified.By means of it vataanulomana can be achieved.

Many research being carried in I.I.H.reguarding this.

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