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Medicinal Uses of Ficus hispida

Medicinal Uses of  Ficus hispida


Ficus hispida

Family: Urticaceae (urticae = nettle).

External uses :

The paste of root bark or latex is applied on dermatoses and vitiligo Latex developes blisters on the skirt and acts as a curative agent.

Powder and decoction are used in ulcers.

 Ripe fruit ground in a paste is applied on lymphadenitis.

Internal uses :

Decoction or powder of fruits is used in constipation, ascites, piles and jaundice.

Ripe fruit is used as a haemostatic agent. It is used as a tonic, aphrodisiac and galactogogue.

Root and fruit are useful in dermatoses. The plant has chief action on vitiligo. In Rabies, rootbark 1 lola + datura seeds itola is given with rice water

Dose : Bark powder - 2 to 5 gms. (for detoxification), as a tonic 1 to 2 gms; fruit - 1/2 to 1.

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