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Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies from Tinospora cordifolia

Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies from Tinospora cordifolia

1. The fresh juice of  Tinospora cordifolia Increases memory 20m1 twice daily may be used to increase memory.

2.In fever Tinospora cordifolia juice and Asparagus racemosus juice equal parts l0 ml each are mixed together and given alongwith jaggary in fever.

3. In Diabetis Tinospora cordifolia juice with honey  is given.

4.In syphilis Tinospora cordifolia juice along with gingly oil is given orally

5. In acidity leaves of Tinospora cordifolia, neem and trichosanthes dioica are made into juice and administered along with honey

6. In Gouty arthritis  Tinospora cordifolia can be administration in either juice or paste or powder or decoction

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