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Medicinal Uses of Cassia occidentalis


Momordica charantia

External uses : It has analgesic, wound cleaning and healing properties. It is useful in burning sensation. dermatoses and piles. It is beneficial to the eyes. Leaf juice is applied On eyes in night blindness.

Internal uses : Being an appetizer, digestive, cholagogue, purgative and anthelmintic, it is used in anorexia, loss of appetite, ama dosha, liver disorder&, piles and helminthiasis. It is a blood purifier, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, emmenagogue and galactogogue. It alleviates kapha hence It is useful in blood disorders, inflammation, asthma, cough, dysmenorrhoea, amenorrhoea, disorders of lactation, urinary disorders, dermatoses. fever, obesity and poisoning. Experience has shown that it is an excellent remedy for high sugar levels in blood and urine.

Dose : Juice of whole plant and fruit - 10 to 30 ml.; for inducing emesis - 100 ml. In case of overdose, rice mixed with ghee is given. .

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