According to vachaspathya:
“jaarayathi jaraka”
‘jaraka’ – substance which are to be
digested , digestive.
One which causing decay of any
substance which can decay.
“jaaryate anena eti “
one which cause decay……
In Sanskrit -English dictionary of Monier
Williams –
(a) A process of causing
(b) process of digesting
(c) oxidation of minerals
(d) consumer
(e) condiment
Jarana is an
important process of parada (mercury) in which parada is made to consume/ingest
& digest various satvas obtained from minerals & some of the
metals in different proportions in order to make the parada highly potentiated
for both lohavedha & rasayana point of view.
‘Jarana’ is one among the 18
samskaras mentioned for parada(13th samskara).
18 samskaras of PARADA are
Assimilation of various liquefied
offerings like lohas, satvas, ratnas etc by parada with the help of vida
& yantra is called ‘Jarana’,it can be achieved by several methods.
Grasa – offerings like loha
satvas ,mineralsetc.
Druta – liquefied.
Bida - inorder to
digest grasa put into the parada , a special kind of preparation called
‘Bida’ is used. It is prepared by ‘ksharas’ ‘lavanas’ ‘amlas’, ‘khanijas’
& ‘Gomutra’.
in ‘Parada samhitha’- 14/1-4
lots of ‘vida yogas are mentioned for various
Eg :- For ‘Bija jarana’-
Ø Prepared out of yava kshara ,jambeeraswarasa
gandhaka & gomutra.
The process by which ‘Parada
assimilates various metals as well as minerals without the procedures such as
,Galana, Patana etc & the ‘Parada’ remains as such without any change
ie, no gain of weight as well as no loss of Wt.
It is the process of putting
gandhakadi dhathus into the parada & there by subjecting them for
degeneration with the help of various yantras such as valuka yantra , kacchapa
yantra .Jarana is a process of dissolving various ‘bijas’ in parada, there by
make the parada capable of ingest or digest various ‘Bijas’ as well as for
adding various pharmacological properties.
Importance of ‘Jarana’
To potentiate parada for rasayana
& lohavada.
The parada treated with jarana process
should returns to its original form & appearance without being
subjected to any patana & galana.
After completion of jarana process, the
parada should not gain weight then only it has to be considered as the process
is completed.
It has to be clarified that in jarana
process parada does not essentially acquires disease curing property rather it
is done to prepare parada suitable for further samskaras meant for lohavada
(transformation process).
‘Jarana Bheda’- Types
Bheda-1 (a) Bhuchari jarana
(b) Khechari jarana.
Bheda- 2 (a) Bala jarana.
(b) Vridha jarana.
Bheda- 3(a) Samugha jarana.
(b) Nirmugha jarana.
(c) Vasanamugha jarana.
Bhuchari – jarana of metals &
Khechari – jarana of ratna.
Without making mouth bijas of specific
quantity fed by parada
First put gandhaka for jarana
in parada after that 16 times swarasa of divyaoushadhis are taken in dola
yantra as drava dravya and subject the parada for swedana…the process is called
Parada which treated with divyaoushadhi
by keeping it in a musha & which was able to consume all
types of metals and minerals is called rakshasa vaktran
Steps of ‘ Jarana’(RRS-8/69)
Step 1-’Grasasya charanam’-putting beejas
- ‘Grasa’.
Step 2- ‘Garbha dravana’ – liquification
of beejas in
parada – ‘Pinda’.
Step 3 –’jarana’ – ingestion of beejas by
‘Jarana phalam-(
Ø Rasa jarana capable of sarva papakshaya
(origins by birth as well as other way).
Ø If a person gets a chance for rasa jarana
surely he will get a good knowledge about all procedures related to rasa.
Ø By performing rasa jarana &
worshiping rasa the Physician may acquires ‘moksha’.
Ø Performing jarana is like worshipping
Ø Doing ‘mardana’ over parada is like
smearing the paste of chandana over fore head.
Ø Putting swarnadi beejas into parada is
like performing pooja or worshipping the parada.
Ø How many days we put parada in agni for
jarana that much thousand years that person may get ‘shiva sayujya’ and get a
good life with all luxuries.
Ø Even if we put parada over agni for a
single day he may get rid of papas of ‘aneeka jenma’ as well as in this life.
Ø ‘Jarana phalam’
Gandhaka should subjected to JAARANA
first then otters such as HEMA, RAJATA, then the other rasoushadis
, then the RATNAs Respectively.
Without gandhaka we cannot do the JAARANA
Without GANDHAKA the PARADA cannot get
PARADA’S AGNI get increased.
According to some acharya’s
Anandakanda as well as parada samhitha there is reference that is why Abhraka as
well as gandhaka added first for jarana ?
Parada is considered as shiva theja
and abhraka as well as gandhaka is considered as gauri thejas.
Due to samana swabhavthwat they can
interact easily and able to built a strong bond between them.
Chemically mercury (Hg) being a large
element,it contains lots of spaces between the orbits as well as electrons. So
being a small element the sulphur can easily get into the vacant space and can
form a strong bond between them.
‘Gandhaka’ should be given as ‘grasa’ first
during ‘Jarana’.
Ø The first jarana should be that of
gandhaka with ‘kacchapa yantra’ ,after that ‘Abhraka’,’Swarna makshika
satva’,dravyas like hema etc,after that naga,’Vanga’ & ‘ratna’.should
under go jarana respectively. This is the order in which jarana should be
Ø ‘Gandhaka Jarana’
Ø First jarana.
Ø Important process in which ‘gandhaka’ is
added into ‘parada’in different proportion or in equal proportion &
allowed to burn in it with fire.
Ø The above shloka (jaranakrama) also highlights
that due to ‘Gandhaka jarana’ the ‘parada’ acquires many pharmacological
& therapeutically properties according to the proportion of gandhaka
which was used for jarana.
‘Ayur: prakasa:-
}‘Tulya guna gandhaka jaritha’ – 100 yimes
powerful than simply purified parada.
}‘Dwiguna jaritha parada’ – ‘sarva
}‘Thriguna jaritha parada’ - ‘Jadya
}‘Chatur guna gandhaka jaritha parada’ –
‘vali palitha nasaka’.
}‘Pancha guna gandhaka jaritha parada’ –
‘kshaya kshayakaram’.
}‘Shadguna gandhakajaritha parada’ –
‘sarvaroga haram’.
}So ‘Shad guna bali jaritha parada is
considered as superior one.
for ‘Gandhaka Jarana’
}Most popularly used yantras are –
}Kacchapa yantra , kupi yantra, garbha
yantra, musha yantra,bhudhara yantra,valuka yantra, Tula yanthra,Ishtika yantra
Points to remember- ‘Gandhaka Jarana’.
}How the potency of parada increases
during ‘Gandhaka Jarana’ ?
}How to add Gandhaka ?
}Heating time & temperature?
}Quantity of Gandhaka to be made Jaritha?
their potency increases during ‘Gandhaka Jarana’ ?
}In ayur:prakasa 1/125-126 –
}Parada ,Gandhaka & Abhraka
possess almost the same properties, hence they mixed each other they are likely
to react greatly & on heating they may burn & leave their
}This is more true in the case of
}Hence according to the Gandhaka ‘s
proportion more properties are in cooperated in parada.
to add ‘Gandhaka’?
}Generally six times (shad guna) gandhaka
is added & burnt with parada for its potentiation.
}It should be added in a phased manner.
}First add equal quantity(sama guna) of
gandhaka & allow it to burn, when its jarana completed add some more
amount & allow it to burn. In this way any amount of gandhaka can be
added & allowed to burn.
Heating time &Temperature.
In ayur: prakasha – 1 /190
}The temperature of the apparatus should
neither be very high nor be very low manner.
}Adjust it to ‘madhyamagni’(moderate fire)
that is 350℃ - 400℃.
}Some scholars adviced to do Gandhaka
jarana in kachakupiwrapped several times with rag & mud in order to
maintain continuous heat, in this method heat should be given in ‘Mridhu’,
‘Madhya’ & ‘Tibraagni’manner. The time should be followed as 4Hrs for
each agni.
of Gandhaka to be made ‘Jaritha’.
}Already mentioned that according to the
quantity of gandhaka added and burnt the potency of the parada increases.
}If 6 times gandhaka is added the parada
may develop the disease curing properties.
}If 100 times gandhaka is added the parada
may develop ‘Vedha’(transformation power) & become useful for
}In Rasaretnakara it has been mentioned
that ‘shad guna bali jaritha parada’ acquires the power of ‘shata guna bali
jaritha parada’
}The process of Jarana is important in all
aspect of rasa sasthra that is loha vadha & deha vadha.
}Being 13th samskara Jarana is capable of
adding more pharmaceutical as well as chemical properties to the parada.
}Jarana is the basic process behind the
whole samskaras comes after sandeepana samskara, that is from 9th-18th
}In treatment point of view ‘gandhaka
jarana’play a major role in eradicating almost all disease as well asit make
the parada capable to digest almost all metals for the transformation of lower
metal to the higher metal.
}‘shad guna bali jaritha’ parada has
importance in both dhatu vada & dehavada.
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