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Varicose veins occur when veins aren’t functioning properly. Veins have one-way valves that prevent blood from flowing backward. When these valves fail, blood begins to collect in the veins rather than continuing toward your heart. The veins then enlarge. Varicose veins often affect the legs. The veins there are the farthest from your heart, and gravity makes it harder for the blood to flow upward.
Varicose veins are most common in the superficial veins of the legs, which are subject to high pressure when standing. Besides being a cosmetic problem, varicose veins can be painful, especially when standing. Severe long-standing varicose veins can lead to leg swelling, venous eczema, skin thickening (lipodermatosclerosis) and ulceration. Although life-threatening complications are uncommon, varicose veins may be confused with deep vein thrombosis, which may be life-threatening


Varicose veins are more common in women than in men, and are linked with heredity. Other related factors are pregnancy, obesity, menopause, aging, prolonged standing, leg injury and abdominal straining. Varicose veins are unlikely to be caused by crossing the legs or ankles.Less commonly, but not exceptionally, varicose veins can be due to other causes, as post phlebitic obstruction or incontinence, venous and arteriovenous malformations


The primary symptoms of varicose veins are highly visible, misshapen veins, usually on your legs. You may also have pain, swelling, heaviness, and achiness over or around the enlarged veins.

In some cases, you can develop swelling and discoloration. In severe cases, the veins can bleed significantly, and ulcers can form.

1.Aching, heavy legs (often worse at night and after exercise).
2.Appearance of spider veins (telangiectasia) in the affected leg.
3.Ankle swelling, especially in the evening.
4.A brownish-yellow shiny skin discoloration near the affected veins.
5.Redness, dryness, and itchiness of areas of skin, termed stasis dermatitis or venous eczema, because of waste products building up in the leg.
6.Cramps may develop especially when making a sudden move as standing up.
7.Minor injuries to the area may bleed more than normal or take a long time to heal.
8.In some people the skin above the ankle may shrink (lipodermatosclerosis) because the fat underneath the skin becomes hard.
9.Restless legs syndrome appears to be a common overlapping clinical syndrome in patients with varicose veins and other chronic venous insufficiency.
10.Whitened, irregular scar-like patches can appear at the ankles. This is known as atrophie blanche.


Most varicose veins are reasonably benign, but severe varicosities can lead to major complications, due to the poor circulation through the affected limb.

•Pain, tenderness, heaviness, inability to walk or stand for long hours, thus hindering work
•Skin conditions / Dermatitis which could predispose skin loss
•Skin ulcers especially near the ankle, usually referred to as venous ulcers.
•Development of carcinoma or sarcoma in longstanding venous ulcers. Over 100 reported cases of malignant transformation have been reported at a rate reported as 0.4% to 1%.
•Severe bleeding from minor trauma, of particular concern in the elderly.
•Blood clotting within affected veins, termed superficial thrombophlebitis. These are frequently isolated to the superficial veins, but can extend into deep veins, becoming a more serious problem.
•Acute fat necrosis can occur, especially at the ankle of overweight patients with varicose veins. Females are more frequently affected than males


Ayurveda explains Varicose veins as Siraja granthi. Because blood vessels are involved, there is definitive involvement of Pitta Dosha. Along with Pitta, Vata alone or Vata and Kapha are vitiated in their site of affliction, ie in weight bearing area like calf and ankle. Varicose vein problem is due to the imbalancing of Vyana vata, which is subdosha of vata, is responsible to regulate the oxygen rich blood flow through arteries and veins.Ultimately the imbalanced Doshas disturb the vessels and the blood of that particular area (venous blood).Thus the blood is stagnated due to obstruction of the pathway of the blood vessels. Hence, the veins are dilated in their weak points (limbs) and the Sirajagranthi (varicose vein) is resulted.Ayurveda refers to Varicose Veins as ‘Siraja granthi’. 

Varicose vein symptoms: 

1. Aching pain in the lower limb (Toda).
2. Numbness or neuritis (Sada).
3. Heaviness (Gowrava)
4. Tiredness (Ayasa)
5. Tortuous veins (Grathitha sira)
6. Discoloration of the veins or skin (krishnarakta sira)



1. As it is a vata dominant diseased condition veshtana (wrapping of cloth or crepe bandaging) gives symptomatic relief in aching pain, heaviness, numbness etc.

2. Sira Vyadha (blood letting through venesection) is found to be effective in its management.
Otherwise, leech therapy can be carried out near the lesion.

3. The line of treatment of gout arthritis (vataraktha chikitsa) is applicable here also. It comprises of Enema treatment (Basti Chikitsa) and oral medicines.


1. Kaishora guggulu 
2. Sahacharadi Tailam
3. Sahacharadi Kashayam
4. Chirabilvadi kashaya 
5. Erandamooladi kashaya
6. Rasnerandai kashaya 
7. Guduchyadi kashaya 
8. Mahamanjishtadi kashaya


Diet for Varicose Vein

•Blackberries and cherries are good for varicose veins.
•A whole foods diet which include fresh fruits like aamla, citrus family fruits, whole grains, wheat and millet, help to disperse built-up of a protein which makes skin near varicose veins hard and lumpy. Eating more onion, garlic, pineapple, ginger, which contain bromelain an enzyme that promotes break-up of fibrin can help
•Vitamin A found in plenty in carrots, pumpkins, sweet potato and leafy greens are good for varicose ulcer healing.
•Vitamin B found in all seasonal fruits, yogurt, whole grains and pulses help in maintaining strong blood vessels.
•Vitamin C and bioflavonoids help in improving healing of sores, circulation, strengthen vein walls to prevent dilation. The vitamin is found in abundance in grapes, melons, lemon, pomegranate and citrus fruits.
•Vitamin E found in plenty in almonds and almond oil helps improve circulation, reduces susceptibility to varicose veins and relieves pain.

Lifestyle modification:

•If you are required to stand for long hours, ensure that you sit for a while in between, so that you rest your limbs.
•When sleeping place a pillow beneath your feet, as keeping the feet elevated ensures that there is good blood flow into the legs.
•Moderate exercise is necessary, as it not only strengthens your leg muscles, but also keeps blood vessels in good shape. Walking and swimming are good therapies.
•Wearing varicose veins socks that are available in medical stores is also a good way to prevent/treat veins of feet and legs.
•A daily oil massage with blends of jojoba and sesame oil mixed with herbs can improve blood circulation in the area and helps the skin and veins regain their elasticity.
•Inverted yoga postures can be particularly beneficial in restoring normal blood flow from legs to the heart. Sarvangaasana, Halaasana, Pawanmuktaasana series promote circulation and drainage of blood from legs.
•Ensure that you do not stand or sit for long periods of time. Avoid tight clothing that tightens around your waist or legs, as any condition that places excessive pressure on legs or abdomen can lead to varicosity.
•Quit smoking and use of contraceptive pills.
•It is beneficial to alternate between hot and cold baths, as it stimulates circulation to legs.

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