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Hopea ponga (Dennst.) MabberleyDipterocarpaceae

Horthus Malabaricus Vol 4

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Hopea ponga (Dennst.) Mabberley

It is endemic  to India and endangered as per ICUN 2.3.  

The tree is having galls and these galls are mistakenly recorded as fruits in Horthus Malabaricus.  Actual fruits are nuts with 3 shorter and 2 longer accrescent calyx lobes with single seed.  

As per Horthus,  

Useful part : Leaves,  Stem bark,  Roots

1. The paste of leaves are used to fester the abscess 

2. Poultice made up of stem bark and roots are used to reduce inflammation in the knee joints.  

Folklore uses :

The seeds are fried and taken as snack. 
Gruel was prepared using the seeds in olden days.  
Seeds are said to be instant energy boosters.

Researches :

Anti oxidant, anti inflammatory,  anti profilerative activities are proven.

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