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Mucuna pruriens

The valuable nutrients are protected well by most irritants hairs....

कपिरोमफला...कपिकच्छू...Mucuna pruriens...

Prdhvi Athbhi Akasha samsrishta Beeja ...
Covered by Vayu theja...Roma..

The hairs lining the seed pods contain serotonin and the protein mucunain which cause severe itching when the pods are touched....

This irritant hairs are medicine too...

For Krimi the hairs embedded on jaggery and will swallow...
നായ്ക്കരുണ രോമം ഗുളത്തിൽ പൊതിഞ്ഞു കഴിച്ചീടിൽ കൃമി പോയിടും...

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