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दार्वी - Berberis aristata

दार्वी - Berberis aristata

दार्वी दारुहरिद्रा च पर्जन्या पर्जनीति च 
कटंकटेरी पीता च भवेत्सैव पचंपचा 
सैव कालीयकः प्रोक्तस्तथा कालेयकोऽपि च 
पीतद्रुश्च हरिद्रुश्च पीतदारु कपीतकम् 
दार्वी निशागुणा किन्तु नेत्रकर्णास्यरोगनुत् ।
(भा प्र )

 दार्वी विशेषेण कर्णनेत्रास्यरोगजित् |
( कै.नि.)

तिक्ता दारुहरिद्रा स्याक्षोष्णा व्रणमेहजित् |
कर्णनेत्रमुखोद्भूतां रुजं कण्डूं च नाशयेत् |
( ध.नि.)

तिक्ता दारुहरिद्रा तु कटूष्णा व्रणमेहनुत् |
कण्डूविसर्पत्वग्दोषविषकर्णाक्षिदोषनुत् |
( रा.नि.)

दारुहरिद्रा , पर्जन्या , पर्जनी , कटंकटेरी ,
पीता , पीतदारु , कपीतक ।

Berberis aristata 
Family – Berberidaceae

Indian barberry
Tree turmeric

Malayalam: മരമഞ്ഞൾ Maramanjal

Hindi : दारुहलदी
Kannada : Maradasina
Tamil : Maramancal
Telugu : Manu pasupu

Part used: root, stem, fruit

Daruharidra Medicinal qualities:
Rasa – Tikta, Kashaya 
Guna – Laghu ,Rooksha 
Veerya – ushna
Vipaka – Katu 

Effect on Tridosha – Balances Kapha and Pitta Dosha. 

Daruharidra – Berberis aristata is used in Ayurveda to treat eye disorders, skin disorders with itching, diabetes, urinary tract diseases, etc. It is the main source for berberine, an alkaloid that is showing huge potential in treating diabetes and high cholesterol levels. 

Classical categorization
Charaka :–

Charaka has mentioned this as one of the herbs used in powder massage, useful in pruritis, acne and urticaria.(Reference: Charaka Samhita Sutrasthana 3rd chapter)

Sushruta and Vagbhata :– 
Haridradi, Mustadi, Lakshadi

Berberis aristata uses :–
Karna netra mugharogas 
Kandu kushtahara 
Kapha, Abhishyandi hara 

It is used in menorraghia and leucorrhea (white discharge) It helps to relieve spasmodic pain of abdomen.
It is used in treating diarrhea.

External application:
Its paste, made with water is applied externally to relieve pain and inflammation. Its filtered decoction (Kashaya) is used to wash eyes to relieve pain, swelling and inflammation.
Its decoction is used for gargling to relieve and improve voice and throat infection.
Its paste is applied over non healing wounds, syphilis ulcers, fistula for quick healing.

Berberis aristata possess antibacterial, antiperiodic, antidiarrheal, antipyretic, antidiabetic and anticancer activities. It is also used in the treatment of ophthalmic infections.

Maha Manjishtadi Kashayam 
Shaddharana churnam
Khadiradi Vati etc

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