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വെല്ലാന്തര - Dichrostachys cinerea - വിടതൽ

A multicolored flower bearing plant that predominantly grown on Jangala desha
..विजलदेशज वृक्षः with Hot potency...
Showing an infloresence with blue and yellow flowers....and turned to white 

Blue an indicator of Ap tatwa
Yellow an indicator of Vayu tatwa 
then flowers will turn into white indicate presence of Akasha tatwa ..
Innumerable flowers with changing colors shows the Agni too..
All together will moves and act as Diuretic. ..
An excellent ushna ... Mootrala ,Ashmarighna plant ..

वीरतरु / वेल्लन्तर
വെല്ലാന്തര ,വീര വൃക്ഷ ,വീരതരു ,വിടതൽ

Dichrostachys cinerea 
Veeratharu, Vedathala

वेल्लन्तरो जगति वीरतरुः प्रसिद्धः
 स्यात्कण्टकी ,दीर्घमूलो 
विजलदेशज वृक्षः
बिल्वान्तर ,वीरवृक्षः

usefull in ..Dysuria, Anuria, Urinary calculi, on painful burning micturition, diabetes, rheumatism etc..

बिल्वान्तरः कटूष्णश्च कृच्छ्रघ्नः सन्धिशूलनुत् |
वह्निदीप्तिकरः पथ्यो वातामयविनाशनः ||            

"वेल्लन्तरो रसे पाके तिक्तस्तृष्णाकफापहः |
मूत्राघाताश्मजिद्ग्राही योनिमूत्रानिलार्तिजित्॥".     

A chemical constitute Clovamide recently isolated shows Antiviral properties against H5N1Influenza A virus 
Pharmacological studies on D. cinerea 
shown antibacterial, antiviral, antiplasmodial, and 
antitrypanosomal effects (Aworet-Samseny et al., 2011; 
Vijayalakshmi et al., 2010; )

"Veerataruvadirityaya gano vatavikaranut 
Ashmari sharkara mootrakrichra vatarujapaha "

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