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Herbal Remedies For Heavy Periods

1.Ashoka(Saraca asoca)

Use decoction of root bark of saraca indica

Ashoka or Saraca asoca is one of the most famous ayurvedic herbs for menstrual and uterine disorders. This bitter and astringent herb works on excessive menstrual bleeding, painful menstruation and weakness of uterine muscles. The bark of Saraca asoca is of medicinal use and it has hematoxylin, tannin, plant steroids and calcium.

2.Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa)

Use decoction of root bark of Symplocos racemosa

The bark of Lodhra has alkaloids - Loturine, Collutrine, Loturidine and some glycosides as its active principle. Lodhra is useful in inflammation of uterus and arrests excessive discharge.

Ayurvedic Classical Medicines For Heavy Periods

Ashokarishta, Lodhrasava, Patrangasava, Pushyanuga churna, Pradaranashaka churna, Pradararipu rasa, Pradarantaka rasa and Pradarantaka loha are some of the common ayurvedic herbal remedies for heavy periods.

Pushyanuga Churna:

Pushyanuga powder is the most popular herbal powder for menorrhagia and leucorrhea. Due to the presence of more astringent herbs, it is less effective in menorrhagia than Pradaranashka churna.

Pradaranashaka Churna:

Pradaranashaka powder is extremely useful formulation in heavy periods. It is better than the more famous Pushyanuga powder as it has all of its ingredients plus some extra herbs to arrest bleeding.

Giloya Satva:

The starchy extract of Tinospora cordifolia or Guduchi or Giloya or Amrita is very popular for Pitta aggravation symptoms in body like feverish feeling, burning sensation in body and intolerance toward heat.

Darvyadi Kwatha:

Darvyadi decoction is beneficial as menstrual regulator and uterine tonic. It is helpful in excessive menstrual bleeding as well.


Ashokarista is ayurvedic herbal remedy with autogenous fermented alcohol with Ashoka as the chief ingredient. It is also one of the most popular remedy for 'female disorders' or for menstrual disorder and female hormonal imbalances.


Combination of antiseptic, bitter and astringent herbs make it a great remedy for menstrual bleeding disorders and as a uterine tonic.


Vasarishta is useful in bleeding disorders besides menorrhagia. It is also helpful in disorders of uterine muscles where there is enlargement or proliferation of uterine muscles or inner layer (endothelium) of uterine cavity. Vasa is the chief ingredient of this ayurvedic herbal remedy.


Ushirasava is ayurvedic remedy for bleeding disorders resulting from Pitta aggravation and blood related disorders. It should be given with other remedies in menorrhagia only when pitta symptoms are prominent with heavy periods.

Ashoka Ghrita:

Ashoka and other rejuvenative herbs based ayurvedic formulation is great for menstrual disorders and associated weakness. Lean and thin women get most benefit out of this remedy.

Durvadi Ghrita:

Durvadi ghrita is Durva based ayurvedic remedy for bleeding disorders.

Shatavari Ghrita:

Shatavari and other rejuvenative ayurvedic herbs make this a good choice in emaciated women with aggravation of Pitta. It is better to add it after the excessive bleeding is arrested and stabilized.

Jeerakadi Avaleha:

Jeerakadi avaleha is herbal jelly with Jeerak and Lodhra as the chief ingredients. It benefits in chronic menorrhagia associated with digestive disturbances.

Ayurvedic Herbal Mineral Remedies

Chandraprabha Vati:

Chandraprabha vati is the formulation of Shilajita, Loha bhasma, guggul and several other herbs. It is a must-add rejuvenative in Uro-genital disorders.

Loha Bhasma:

Loha bhasma is the ayurvedic calcined iron with great bio-availability and it helps to raise the hemoglobin level in body.

Pradarantaka Rasa:

Pradarantaka rasa is a formulation of herbs and ayurvedic minerals with Loha bhasma as main ingredient. It is good for all types of 'female related abnormal discharges'. Hemoglobin level is restored as it has ayurvedic calcined iron. Female reproductive organs are supported for enhanced health.

Ayurvedic preparations to cure excessive bleeding are:-

Pradaranashaka Churna
Pushyanuga Churna
Giloya Satva
Pradarantaka Kwatha
Darvyadi Kwatha
Ashoka Ghrita
Shatavari Ghrita
Durvadi Ghrita
Supari Paka
Jeerakadi Avaleha
Vasaharitaki Avaleha
Bolabadha Parpati
Bangeshwara Rasa
Bolabadha Rasa
Kamadudha Rasa
Loha Bhasma
Pradarari Loha

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