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Bastikarma and its probable mode of action in Sthoulya or Obesity

Bastikarma and its probable mode of action in Sthoulya or Obesity


As it is told by Sushruta that “bastirvate cha pittekaphe rakte cha shasyate| Samsarge cha sannipate cha bastireva hitaha sadaa”

Almost in all the classics we will get reference reguarding lekhana basti especially on sthoulya.(Su.Chi.38,Sha.dhara).

Bhadradi asthapana basti,Aragvadhadi nirooha basti.(Su.chi.38/60-63,79)

Dvipanchamooladibasti,Kaphamayaghna nirooha,anuvasana(Asht.sa.kal.5)


Kshara basti,gomootra basti (Cha.Datt)

Probable mode of action of Basti

Mode of action of basti can be assesed based on the drugs used in basti.

Especially Lekhana basti dravyas have katu,tikta,kashaya rasa, laghu,teekshna gunas,katu vipaka &ushna veerya.

This katu, tikta,kashaya rasa decreases the kleda,there by does the dhatu karshana.Because of sookshma guna drug can reach the cellular level.

Teekshna guna dominated by agni mahabhoota, breaks down the dosha sanghata in srotas, thus removes the sanga in srotas, so that path of the vyana vayu involved in the pathogenisis is normalised.Thus vyana vayu can transport nutrients to all dhatus properly,leading even devolopment of each dhatu.

Ushna veerya of the dravya is responsible for the reduction of meda, also having deepana-pachana action followed by kaphavata shamaka in nature.

Because of its deepana pachana does the ama pachana,and also corrects the medadhatvagni.

All the dravyas used in lekhana basti having karshana property along with rookshana guna like gomootra, yava kshara, etc; where as shilajit gives rasayana action against dhatu kshaya.

By this way lekhana basti dravyas reduces kaphavvata dushti,corrects the agni,does the ama pachana,rectifies medadhatwagni &also by removing sanga it nullifies the pathogenisis of STHOULYA.

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