Showing posts from February, 2018Show All
Biophytum sensitivum (മുക്കുറ്റി ) and its medicinal usage
Nagarjunabhra Ras with its indication, ingredients and usage
Shiva Guggulu with its indication, ingredients and usage
Rasnadi Guggulu with its indication ,Uses and Dosage
Punarnavadi Guggulu with its indication, ingredients and usage
Chitrakadi Vati with its indication, ingredients and usage
Suvarnamuktadi Gutika with its Dosage, Ingredients and indication
Prabhakar Vati with its Dosage, Ingredients And indication
Amavatari Ras with its Dosage, Ingredients and indication
Agnikumararasam Gulika with its indication, Dosage and Ingredients
Simhanada Guggulu with its Dosage,indication, Ingredients and Reference
Vatari Guggulu with its Dosage, Indication and Ingredients
Trayodashang Guggulu with its usage, Dose and Ingredients