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Nilavembu kudineer with its indication and mode of usage

Nilavembu kudineer with its indication and mode of usage


Total Ingredients:9

ഷഡംഗം + 3

Three other ingredients


Andrographis paniculata - കിരിയാത്ത്

Trichosanthes dioica- കാട്ടുപടവലം

Piper nigrum -  കുരുമുളക്

ഷഡംഗം കഷായം


Cyperus rotundus- മുത്തങ്ങ

Santalum album - ചന്ദനം

Zingiber officinale- ചുക്ക്

Coleus vettiveriodes- ഇരുവേലി

Oldenlandia corymbosa- പർപ്പടകപ്പുല്ല്

Vetiveria zizanioides - രാമച്ചം

Nilavembu kudineer is a poly herbal formula controls all types of fever associated with body ache. It controls fever in a comprehensive way through its healing effects of temperature regulation, inflammation control and body pain relief. Synergistic action of this herbal combination relieves all types of fever irrespective of the type of causative organism. It exhibits potent antiviral activity against viruses causing Dengue and Chikungunya fever.

Actions of Nilavembu kudineer:

Antipyretic- Reduces fever and bring backs the normal body temperature

Anti-inflammatory- controls infection caused by the pathogens.

Analgesic- Relieves body aches.

Body cleansing- Detoxes the blood, liver and spleen for pathogenic endotoxins.


Equal parts of:

Nilavempu (Andrographis paniculata)

Vettiver (Vetiveria zizanioides)

Vilamiccam ver (Vetiveria zizanioides)

Cantanam (Santalum album)

Peyputtal (Trichosanthes cucumerina)

Koraik kilanku(Cyperus rotandus)

Cukku (Zingeber officinale)

Milaku (Piper nigrum)

Parpatakam (Mollugo cerviana)

Direction to prepare Kashayam:

Boil 12.5 gms (2 to 3 tsp Approx.) of powder with 250 ml of water till the decoction is concentrated to 60 ml. Take 30 to 60 ml of this warm decoction twice a day in empty stomach. Add honey or Palm jaggery or sugar candy to enhance the taste. Read more

Dose: 30 to 60 ml


All types of fever (Dengue/Chikungunya)

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