Identifing a leaf by Ayurvedic principles...
Ayurveda has a specific way to evaluate the composition of a leaf. By applying Panchamahabhoota theory one can infer the probable composition of leaf and the pharmacology of leaf . Application of this theory we can choose which verity is good for a particular Pharmacological action...
" Yatra Avastita tejaha
Anila prthvi bhai abhi nirharathi
Tatra patra rekha bhavathi ".....
(Rasavaishashika sutra)
When Agni predominant and disperse towards all directions then vayu prdhvi ap tatwas also will disperse to different directions and results in various forms of Venations .
When we observe the three species of Tinospora ..
one which has less hairs and not prominent veins that leaf has comparatively less teja mahabhoota ...
One which has plenty of hairs and prominent venation, then that leaf has more teja mahabhoota predominance..
On Photos leaf of various species of Tinospora
1) Tinospora cordifolia... Amrit with compartitive less Agneya tatwa
2) Tinospora malabarica..plenty of hairs and prominent venation more tejas
3) Tinospora crispa...predominant venation and bright glow more tejas..
Humans needed ideal Tejatatwa ...
Favorable to body & Mind as RASAYANA
so Tinospora cordifolia taken as the ideal source for Amrita...
Dr.Ajayan Sadanandan Sir
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