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ABCD Poem for Kids

ABCD Poem for Kids 

A is for apple, so juicy and sweet,
B is for ball, that bounces at your feet,
C is for cat, who purrs and curls up tight,
D is for dog, who wags his tail with delight.

E is for elephant, so large and gray,
F is for fish, who swim in the bay,
G is for giraffe, with a neck so long,
H is for horse, who gallops all day long.

I is for igloo, so cold and white,
J is for jackal, who howls through the night,
K is for kangaroo, who hops with glee,
L is for lion, who roars so bold and free.

M is for monkey, who swings so high,
N is for nest, where birds lay their eggs to die,
O is for owl, who hoots through the night,
P is for penguin, who waddles with delight.

Q is for queen, who rules with grace,
R is for rabbit, who hops in his place,
S is for snake, who slithers so slow,
T is for tiger, who roars so bold and low.

U is for unicorn, so rare and bright,
V is for vulture, who soars through the light,
W is for whale, who swims in the sea,
X is for xylophone, so musical to me.

Y is for yo-yo, who goes up and down,
Z is for zebra, who has stripes all around.

Now I know my ABCs, next time won't you sing with me?

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