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Brahmi ‐- ब्राह्मी Bacopa monnieri

सरस्वती...Saraswati ...
 3 Drugs in Ayurveda has the synonym.. सरस्वती...Saraswati ...
Helps to maintain ideal activities for Jhana and Vighana .... knowledge, music, art, speech, wisdom, and learning..

Brahmi  ‐-  ब्राह्मी    .. 
Bacopa monnieri 
Jyothishmathi‐‐ ज्योतिष्मती..
Celastrus paniculata 
Somavalli ‐‐ सोमवल्ली ..
 Ceropegia juncea 

The Mahabhoota essential for maintaining Smjha , Smriti, Budhi, Medhya properties are Akasha , Agni and Vayu..

The color of these three plant parts indicates the presence of mahabhoota predominance in various levels..

Brahmi...White flowers... Akasha matter 
Jyothishmathi..Red fruit...Agni matter 
Somavalli..Yellow Red .... Vayu Agni matter 
All these drugs will exert various degrees of Pharmacological activities for proper coordination, reorientation of senses along with ideal intellectual functions...

By Dr.Ajayan Sir

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