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Trichopus zeylanicus

one of the सिद्ध औषधि of Sushruthacharya 


कृष्णसर्पस्वरूपेण वाराही  कन्दसम्भवा
एकपत्रा महावीर्या भिन्नाञ्जनसमप्रभा |

Varahi ...

एकपत्रा ...one leaf 
कन्दसम्भवा...Arise from rhizome 
भिन्नाञ्जनसमप्रभा...Intense color of anjana(Antimony sulphide)
कृष्णसर्पस्वरूपेण.. fruits beaked dark brown  similar to black snake ..

one of the source ... AROGYAPACHA 

Trichopus zeylanicus

As a part of Plant collection for GAF 2023 ,WE visited the LEGEND OF AGASTYARKOODAM SHRI MALLAN KANI  who discovered this plant and shared to the world. we collected Plant for exhibition and heard the immense knowledge of plants of Agastya biological park..🙏

By Dr.Ajayan Sir 

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